Currently under construction in the Southwestern Sydney suburb of Heckenberg, this project is part of a Land and Housing Corporation pilot program to investigate the viability of studio accommodation . . .
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Located at the Southwestern Sydney suburb of Miller, this recently completed Senior Housing development is comprised of twelve 1 & 2 bedroom units. This was part of a pilot program by the Land and . . .
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The Royal Commission inquiry followed by the bushfires, the long-running drought, and then the Covid-19 have all had a severe impact on the sales of Retirement and Aging places. Bucking that trend, so . . .
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2020 was a great year for Stanton Dahl Architects Education! Despite the many changes and challenges caused by the pandemic, we are grateful to our Education team for their patience, perseverance and . . .
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Stanton Dahl had the pleasure of hosting a breakfast event in December attended by the CEO’s, Heads of Property and General Manager’s of a variety of aged care providers in NSW. The attend . . .
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Stanton Dahl have recently completed a project providing accommodation specifically designed for older single women located at St Marys. Stanton Dahl work hand in hand with Decode group and their cons . . .
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